Analyzing the Chess Mind

Analyzing the Chess Mind

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Publisher: Quality Chess
Categories: General Improvement
Author: Boris Gulko and Dr. Joel R. Sneed
Level: Intermediate
Contents: 224 pages
Product type: Ebook
Release date: May 11, 2022

(Note: This book is "Website Special", but it can be downloaded in mobile apps after purchasing here (with pull to refresh on "Books" tab)).

Analyzing the Chess Mind is an exploration of psychology in chess. Psychology affects the chess moves we make, as the authors entertainingly illustrate in expertly annotated examples, but our personal chess psychology is not fixed. We can improve our chess psychology, and the authors show how.

To write about chess psychology, the ideal authors would have world-class chess skills and advanced professional qualifications in psychology, so GM Boris Gulko and Dr Joel Sneed are perfect for the task of Analyzing the Chess Mind.

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