Chess Buccaneer

Chess Buccaneer

Publisher: New in Chess
Author: Merijn van Delft and Peter Boel
Level: Intermediate
Contents: 283 pages
Product type: Ebook
Release date: Nov 07, 2021
There aren’t many chess players who can say they’ve both beaten Garry Kasparov in an official blitz game and crushed Peter Leko in a classical game in 26 moves. And who regularly win blitz tournaments high on marihuana. But then Manuel Bosboom is not an ordinary chess player. The Dutch International Master never made it to the top in chess, but over the course of his swashbuckling career he has produced an astonishing amount of brilliantly creative games. When Manuel Bosboom enters the room, a smile appears on every chess player’s face. Not only is he an exuberantly colourful player, he also leads an unconventional existence. His enthusiasm for the game and zest for life are highly contagious. This book offers a captivating collection of games and it also describes the adventurous life of the ‘Wizard from Zaanstad’, who grew up and still lives in a picturesque shed next to a 17th century windmill on the famous Zaanse Schans. You will be treated to many a stunning chess move, a wealth of hilarious but also touching stories and a vivid impression of the Dutch chess scene in the late 20th and early 21st century.
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