Practical Chess Puzzles

Practical Chess Puzzles

Publisher: Everyman Chess
Author: Guannan Song, Dachey Lin and Edward Song
Level: Intermediate
Contents: 288 pages
Product type: Ebook
Release date: Jul 13, 2020

TACTICS TRAINER AVAILABLE! 600 Positions to Improve Your Calculation and Judgment. Chess puzzle books are undoubtedly popular – and with good reason. Solving chess puzzles helps to sharpen a player’s tactical and combinational skills. This ability is absolutely fundamental for chess development. You won’t get better at tennis until you can consistently hit the ball with accuracy and you won’t get better at chess until you improve your ability to calculate. It is that simple and there are no shortcuts. Many puzzle books take a far too simplistic approach and offer endless positions where the solution is nearly always along the lines of: queen takes something check, king takes queen, check, check and a pretty mate. Aesthetically pleasing perhaps but of minimal use for actual improvement as the patterns are so familiar. Practical Chess Puzzles avoids this pitfall. The positions chosen are far more like those that actually appear on the board during the vast majority of games. Furthermore, at all stages, the puzzles are ranked, enabling the student to gauge progress and identify and correct weaknesses.

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