The Richter-Rauzer Reborn, The Kozul Variation

The Richter-Rauzer Reborn, The Kozul Variation

Publisher: Thinkers Publishing
Categories: Opening Books
Author: Zdenko Kozul and Alojzije Jankovic
Contents: 398 pages
Product type: Ebook
Release date: Jan 21, 2020
Four years have passed since the first edition of our Richter-Rauzer Reborn book and if we look at the recent past, we can see that this variation of the Sicilian has been gaining more and more popularity and is very often seen in tournament practice. The fact that this opening has become part of a standard repertoire against 1.e4 for many top players such as Rapport, Dubov, Li Chao, Korobov, Gupta, Vovk etc . speaks for itself about the quality and the fascination of the variation and also about the many possibilities it offers. It’s hard to pinpoint the real reasons for this popularity, but it’s likely that the answer lies in the complexity of the positions that arise on the board and the large number of new ideas, which we will talk about in this book.
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