The Schliemann Defence: Move by Move

The Schliemann Defence: Move by Move

(1) All reviews/ratings are from verified purchases.
Publisher: Everyman Chess
Categories: Opening Books
Author: Junior Tay
Level: Intermediate
Contents: 400 pages
Product type: Ebook
Release date: Oct 21, 2022

White players who enjoy playing the Ruy Lopez (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5) often expect to have an easy time in the opening. Numerous Black systems allow White to complete development with natural moves which often results in a small but clear advantage. Not so The Schliemann. The Schliemann (3...f5) is a ferocious beast that immediately takes the fight to White. The swift counter with ...f7-f5 is undoubtedly risky but has the advantage of disturbing White’s equanimity and setting difficult problems to solve as early as move three. Any White player who is not highly attuned to the nuances of this system can quickly find themselves in very hot water. This makes the Schliemann an ideal practical weapon for the aggressively-minded tactical player.

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