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Samples, Scrolling, Bookmarks

How about a permanent folder where samples download? I have about 80 titles, and when I download a sample I have to scroll through the list to find what I just downloaded.

Speaking of scrolling, it would be nice to be able to sort your library.

But sorting wouldn’t even be that important if you could create folders which

1) did not disappear with every update, and

2) could persist across iOS and Windows apps, ie stored with user’s profile on the server.

Bookmarks: automatically populate the bookmark name with the name of the book.


@david6 Do you mainly use Android, iOS or the Webapp?

The current folders should indeed work across Android & iOS. At some point in the future, we aim to unify the tags feature of webapp with the "folder" feature on Android/iOS.

Good suggestion about sorting the library & bookmark name.

I mostly use iOS on an iPad, but will also use the Windows app when I want to be able to search Chessbase as well. Thanks for responding 😎

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